In Norse mythology there are many strange names and terms, as they are of Germanic origin. But a few of them sound familiar to us, whether from movies, series, video games, etc. However, we are not always entirely clear what its real meaning is. An example would be the famous Valkyries, which were very important to the Vikings. These female characters play a fundamental role in Norse belief and are closely related to those who have fallen in combat. To get you out of doubt, we will explain in this article what are valkyries
Apart from answering this question, we will also talk about what mission they have, where they live, how many there are and how they used to be represented in Norse mythology. If you are interested in the subject, I recommend that you continue reading.
What are the Valkyries: Myth and mission
The word "valkyrie" or "valkyrie" has its origin in Old Norse. It translates as "selector of fallen in combat". These mythological figures are female warrior entities that were in the service of Odin, the All-Father according to Norse legends. His name comes to mind, because the mission they had to fulfill was that of select both men and women who died in combat to take them to Valhalla and Fólkvangr.
According to Norse mythology, the Norns informed Odin of the end of creation, called Ragnarök. The Norns are three female entities, each of which has the power to see the past, the present, or the future. They are the equivalent of the Fates of Roman mythology and the Moiras of Greek mythology. After receiving this information, the All-Father decides to assemble an army in order to face the monsters that threaten to destroy everything he had created.
So create Valhalla. It is a huge hall that is located in Asgard, the world of the gods. The Valkyries are in charge of taking the most heroic and outstanding fallen from the fighting there, so they can prepare for Ragnarök. These chosen ones are called "einherjar". Each day they must fight each other to the death, but they revive at nightfall to celebrate a huge feast with good food and mead. On some occasions they are accompanied by Odin himself, and other important deities for the Vikings.
In order to win the battle at the end of the world, Odin tries to gain as much power and knowledge as possible. For that reason he asks the goddess Freya to teach him how to use magic. Are, because she is the most expert and skillful in it. However, the goddess herself is concerned that the All-Father will end up becoming an all-powerful entity, impossible to control if he loses his mind. For this reason, she agrees to pass on her knowledge to him if, in return, half of the fallen chosen by the Valkyries is given to her, to which the god agrees. So that, half of those killed in combat go to Valhalla, under the command of Odin, and the other half go to Fólkvangr, the abode of Freya.
Where do the Valkyries live?
Now that we know what the Valkyries are and what their mission is, let's clarify where they live. Contrary to what many people believe, these divine warriors did not live together in Valhalla with the einherjar, but rather they had their own building called "Vingólf". This was right next to the great hall dedicated to heroes fallen in combat. According to mythology, the home of the Valkyries had more than 540 doors through which the selected dead could enter so that the warriors could heal them and offer them mead. In addition, it is also where they themselves train for combat.
How many are the Valkyries?
There are many Valkyries that are mentioned in various literary works of Germanic origin. Nevertheless, We will highlight the most important:
- Gunnur: In several sources she is represented as the most remarkable of the Valkyries for her prestige, courage and skill in handling all kinds of weapons.
- Hilda: Noted for his talent when handling the bow and arrows. His name means "battle".
- Brunnhilde: This Valkyrie is of paramount importance in the Volsunga Saga. She was banished to Midgard, the mortal world, by Odin after betraying him. Her name translates to "battle mail".
- Thud: Apart from being a strong, brave and very skilled warrior, Thrud stands out for being the daughter of Thor, and, therefore, the granddaughter of Odin. Her name means "strength". Other Valkyries that have been important in the story of how Thrud became one of these warriors are Aungrey, Geiravör, Skalmold, Mist, Randgrid, Skeggold, Herja and Sanngrid.
It should be said that each of them stood out for having some special ability. These could be the handling of certain weapons, knowledge about runes and certain types of magic, healing powers, etc. Also, all of them were very devoted to Odin. They carried out the All-Father's orders without question, except on one occasion when Brunhilda disagreed with Odin's point of view. She was banished and ended up playing a very important role in the Volsunga Saga.
What are the Valkyries: Representation
Valkyries were generally depicted as beautiful-looking young women. They used to wear resplendent armor, spears and helmets. As remarkable warriors, they possessed superhuman strength and incredible abilities when it came to handling various weapons, such as the sword, the bow or the shield. On many occasions they are related to winged horses, with which they ride through the skies from Asgard, the world of the gods, to Midgard, the world of mortals, to collect those who have fallen in combat. However, some experts believe that he could also have been wolves.
I hope that with all this information it has become clear to you what Valkyries are. These divine warriors appear in various Norse myths. Now you can distinguish them from the other Nordic goddesses!