What green gemstones are there and their meanings

green stones

Semi-precious and precious green stones are great jewelry allies. In the current market we can find a wide variety of colors in general, but green is one of the favorites of many.

We will discover what are the green stones, what each one of them are like and all the symbolism they have.

What green precious and semi-precious stones are there?


We are looking at a very intense green color that is close to an olive green tone. The mines where this stone is extracted are few, with the most productive being in Siberia. Is one of the stones most used by the most important jewelry brands internationally.


The emerald is undoubtedly the most famous among the green stones that we can find. It is the most valuable of all the green ones due to its rarity and difficulty. And, furthermore, that makes it the most coveted in the world of jewelry. The green color of the emerald is one of the most sophisticated, appreciated and intense among the other colors of green.


Jade is valuable in its pure forms: nephrite and jadeite. The last one being the most peculiar and therefore valuable. The color of green and its greasy shine makes them highly sought after.. Green jade has been one of the most valuable stones for cultures such as China.

green jade stone


Malachite is a special green stone due to its opacity. It has different shades of green in the same stone because it is formed by different strata of sedimentary liquids high in copper. Copper oxide gives the green color to the malachite stone. No malachite is the same due to this variety of shades that are mixed in each of the stones.


Green tourmaline is a very special one due to its rarity. It is only found in Africa and its shade of green looks like the green of the jungle itself. A green so deep that it makes collectors seek out this mineral. Is a affordable stone and therefore widely marketed in jewelry. Sometimes it is used alone, but many other times combined with red or blue gemstones with which it combines perfectly.

The above stones are the most famous when we talk about jewelry, but As for green stones we have others such as: green quartz, green aventurite, green calcite, serpentine, unakite, cleopatra, green agate, chrysoprase, green obsidian and green sapphire. All of these are those to which greater benefits or properties are attributed.

Benefits, symbolism and properties of green stones

The green, and therefore also the stones of this color, They represent nature, the love of nature for us and vice versa.

To green stones in general calming or healing powers are attributed to them regarding the mental, spiritual and personal. They are perfect for balancing heart and mind. Being related to nature, they transmit peace and serenity, which is why they are so popular.

Now, independently each stone has its own meaning. Therefore, we are going to see what stones we can always carry with us in our pockets to enhance some spiritual benefits.

Particular meanings of some green stones 

La green aventurine It symbolizes and enhances self-confidence and loyalty towards others and towards ourselves.

La green calcite It is the stone of the positive. If we need good things to come, changing our negative thoughts to positive ones is our perfect stone.

El green quartz It is a well-known lucky talisman, used especially for betting and games. It is also the symbol of vitality and energy.

El jade It is the stone of curiosity, knowledge and self-knowledge. It is the perfect stone to know how to discover ourselves, to listen to ourselves and give us value.

Peace and emotional tranquility are two things that help green jasper, so this stone combined with jade will help us focus on ourselves. It is important to be there for those around us and sometimes we neglect ourselves, so we must give ourselves courage.

The stone malachite It is another that helps us with optimism, with the positive, but it also helps us to make our mind more receptive, to have freedom.

Por último, la green tourmaline It is the stone that symbolizes prosperity, attracts fortune, success, luck, happiness... so it is a stone that is always good to have around.

green gem stones

What can we enhance with green stones?

If we want emotional stability and a calm mind The ideal is to opt for stones such as quartz, aventurine, calcite, jade or malachite.

When what we need is a helps in motivation, increase our ability to strive In certain aspects... our allies will be malachite, unakite and green calcite that will give us the courage necessary to face challenges.

To enhance the loyalty and fidelity Whether it is family, couples or friends, we must rely on green tourmaline.

Also green tourmaline and jasper or serpentine will help protect us from negative energy. By carrying one of these stones on us we will be protected from everything bad that can affect us on a daily basis.

If what we are looking for is good luck or fortune Jade and quartz are what we have to wear on a daily basis.

What stone to choose?

All the benefits we have mentioned are interesting, however there are many more. If what you are looking for is a green stone, look Which one attracts you the most because of its color and aesthetics, and when you know its name, see how it can help you. and if it is something that you need at the moment in life you are in. If the answer is yes, you already know which stone you should lean on right now.

Dream about green stones

When these green stones appear in our dreams it may imply that we need to enhance knowledge. These stones in dreams also mean the arrival of a unexpected news, that we do not want to hear or bad news directly.

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