how to forgive yourself

How to forgive yourself

Forgiving yourself is a great challenge for more people than you think. Therefore, here are some tips to achieve it.

Oedipus complex

What is the Oedipus complex?

Is your son capricious and does not want to be separated from you? It is possible that it is what in psychology is called the Oedipus complex. More info here.

Lectures by Borja Vilaseca

Lectures by Borja Vilaseca

Lectures by Borja Vilaseca | Knowing yourself is difficult. How is it going to be easy, then, to know the other? How is it possible to create a healthy relationship?

psychology blog

psychology blogs

Psychology Blogs | We tell you which are the 6 best blogs and websites on this subject and why. Keep reading if you are interested in Personal Development.

alternatives to monogamy

Alternatives to monogamy

Alternatives to monogamy | We interviewed a psychologist to get her opinion on monogamy, polyamory, relational anarchy and other models.

relational anarchy

relational anarchy

What is relational anarchy? Is monogamy something natural? and polyamory? We asked Alejandro Thompson, psychologist and relational anarchist.