La parable of the prodigal son, is one of the best known of our Lord Jesus Christ, and describes a teaching of our loving and beloved God. He knows the joy of a father when he sees his prodigal son arriving in the distance, when he returns from the world that seduced him and ruined his dreams and his pocket.
parable of the prodigal son
God awaits us with open arms, once we repent of our sins. Jesus makes the comparison between a father and sons. One obedient (the eldest son: represents the people of Israel) and the one who leaves home (younger: represents the Church). Next we will develop the gospel of the prodigal son explanation
It belongs to a trilogy of parables that are commonly called: parables of joy; collected in the New Testament, exactly, Gospel of Luke (15:11-32). Let's do reading the parable of the prodigal son:
Luke 15: 11-32
11 He also said: A man had two sons;
12 and the youngest of them said to his father: Father, give me the part of the goods that corresponds to me; and he distributed the goods to them.
13 Not many days later, gathering everything together, the youngest son went away to a remote province; and there he wasted his goods in wild living.
14 And when he had wasted everything, a great famine came in that province, and he began to lack.
15 And he went and approached one of the citizens of that land, who sent him to his farm to feed pigs.
16 And he wanted to fill his belly with the carob beans that the pigs ate, but nobody gave him.
17 And coming to himself, he said: How many laborers in my father's house have plenty of bread, and here I am starving!
18 I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.
20 And getting up, he came to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him, and was moved with mercy, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
21 And the son said to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
22 But the father said to his servants: Bring out the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.
23 And bring the fat calf and slaughter it, and let us eat and celebrate;
24 because this son of mine was dead, and has come back to life; he was lost, and is found. And they began to rejoice.
25 And his eldest son was in the field; and when he came, and came close to the house, he heard the music and the dances;
26 and calling one of the servants, he asked him what it was.
27 He said to him: Your brother has come; and your father has killed the fat calf, because he received him good and healthy.
28 And he was angry, and would not go. So her father came out and begged him to come in.
29 But he, answering, said to his father: Behold, I have served you so many years, never having disobeyed you, and you have never given me even a kid to enjoy with my friends.
30 But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your property with harlots, you have killed the fatted calf for him.
31 He then told him: Son, you are always with me, and all my things are yours.
32 But it was necessary to celebrate and rejoice, because this your brother was dead, and has revived; he was lost, and he is found.
Context where Jesus told the story
After reading the gospel of the prodigal son we can imagine the context where this parable was preached.
Jesus always preached to sinners and the most helpless people. For his part, the Pharisees and Jews who always followed the Master accused him of associating with people of bad reputation: publicans and sinners.
The Lord, seeing that attitude of his fervent critics, of course did not respond with irony, nor did he cause a dispute with them. He preferred to resort to a form of teaching, parables. Well, the Lord was clear that his ministry was to save what had been lost. For this reason, below we will delve into the parable of the prodigal son and its explanation.
This story is very thoughtful and mainly emphasizes the merciful love of the Father towards repentant sinners. In addition, the undeniable joy he feels at the change of those who make the decision to return to Him and be forgiven for his faults.
Unquestionably this has led considerable experts in the Word to question the title that has been given to the parable. Some consider that it should have been titled the parable of the disobedient son. However, the parable focuses on the unconditional love of a father for his son and not on the disobedient and rebellious son.
Theologically, the parable of the prodigal son and his message It is based on the doctrine of Jesus Christ, to always guide the transformation of sinful people to repentance of their sins. Well, his ministry was based on saving what was lost. Likewise, he refers to the rejection of everything that separates believers from mercy and true faith.
Now, about the prodigal son it translates into three areas: rebellion or disobedience); repentance (anguish, need) and forgiveness (mercy, compassion).
It transcends and symbolizes a particular situation to a general case, that of misguided humanity that has forgotten its loving God. Then, What does the parable of the prodigal son teach us? For this question we divided each of the present symbols into sections. First, we will introduce the core of the teaching of the parable of the prodigal son, then we will break down each symbol.
These scholars of the Law did not understand that the messiah came to save what was lost. Just as he related them to us in other of his parables. We invite you to read about the Parable of the lost sheep.
Teaching that the Parable of the prodigal son leaves us
El prodigal son teaching focuses on a father's forgiving love for his son and unmasking the older brother's hostile criticism of his younger brother.
In this case the father represents God the Father who forgives us out of love. However, God's chosen people, the scholars of the Law, criticized publicans and sinners precisely for their worldly life. In other words, the prodigal son what teaching leaves us is that all sinners can reach the Kingdom of God, as long as we repent of our sins with a contrite and humbled heart.
Jesus with this parable reveals that God the Father forgives everyone who repents of their sins and returns to the path of God. Now after deciphering the message of the parable of the prodigal son, We will enter a brief explanation of the symbols that this biblical passage contains.
Rebellion of the youngest son
To start with the parable of the prodigal son explanation We have decided to introduce first about the rebellion of the younger son (Luke 15:11-12). This character represents you and us before our conversion.
El story of the prodigal son It begins when the youngest of two brothers asks the father for the inheritance that corresponds to him. The inheritance usually occurs after the parents die. However, this son claimed the inheritance from him. The Father did not fight, but gave him the goods.
From a Christian perspective, we could decipher that such succession refers to the grace and gifts that the Lord places on each one of us. The son claims to get that fortune (grace and gifts), with the greatest possible autonomy; in order to use it out of the reach of his father.
Another of the prodigal son messages is that he rebels with his father when he decides to move away from home, because he rebelled against his father's dependence. However, God never stops a rebellious child. He lets him go so he can learn from his own folly (Romans 1:23-27).
Psalms 81: 10-12
10 I am the Lord your God,
I brought you up from the land of Egypt;
Open your mouth, and I will fill it.11 But my people did not hear my voice,
And Israel did not want me.12 I left them, therefore, to the hardness of their hearts;
They walked on their own advices.
The man or woman who abandons God ends up eating with the pigs (Luke 11:14-15; Genesis 6:3-5; Romans 1:28-31). This means that disobedient humanity is given over to a reprobate mind, to all sins and filth.
worldly life
Another of the elements What does the parable of the prodigal son teach us? it is how the prodigal son squanders the inheritance by living as a dweller on Earth. This is the prodigal son biblical meaning He is the one who wastes someone else's money. After spending the money and the famine he suffered, he realizes that without the direction of the Father he is lost.
His fault lies in the rebellion against his father, just as he is misusing his father's inheritance (waste and debauchery). Of course, it leads to failure. The man who abandons the path of God ends up enslaved to sin.
This teaching of the parable of the prodigal son shows that sin and the life of debauchery leads him to a desperate, abominable act and as a consequence, his situation worsens. On prodigal son summary parable in this aspect is:
- The son's rebellion showed his rebelliousness by claiming the inheritance and moving away from his father so as not to depend on his father anymore.
- God never stops a prodigal, wasteful, rebellious son from learning from his own foolishness.
- The man who distances himself from God ends up enslaved to sin.
- The man who turns away from God ends up eating with the pigs. Wallowing in his sins and lusts.
- Waste brings ruin. The fact that the famine came to the place where the prodigal son was, means the ruin comes to the family.
- The waste of God's gifts can bring ruin in our lives.
The repentance of the prodigal son
Prior to repentance, the prodigal son was hungry. This need to feed is spiritual hunger. Eat of the bread of life. Eat of the body of Christ. This situation of hunger causes the repentant prodigal son to return to his father's house after reflecting, coming to his senses and realizing his situation. The prodigal son reflection about what he was doing with his life. She comes to her senses over his foolishness.
The reflection of the son was accompanied by an action of life. In other words, the prodigal son bible tells us that after reflection, the repentant man returns home repentant to stay forever. Upon arrival he confesses his sins and repentance to his father and is therefore restored.
In other words, there is an order: reflection leads to action, confession, repentance, forgiveness, and restoration (1 John 1:8).
regret in the parable of the prodigal son message tells us how the son sinks into misfortune. He reflects and realizes that it would be better to return to his father's house than to continue in that lifestyle. Jesus emphasized repentance. This act only responds when we certainly abandon sin.
The return
The behavior of the prodigal son leaves us with a great lesson. He returns to his father's home, asking for forgiveness and humiliating himself by asking to work as one of his day laborers. He confesses to his father about his depravity, his mistake.
His return is the product of his reflections on the mundane life he led. Therefore he said:
Luke 15: 18-20
18 I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.
20 And getting up, he came to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him, and was moved with mercy, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
The forgiveness of the Father
In this aspect, the prodigal son summary tells us the father's happiness for his son's return home was so great that he did not wait for him to apologize to receive him. On the contrary, because of his infinite love he was driven by his compassion, he hugged and kissed him.
He didn't care about the dirt on his body and clothes. Next, the son felt the affection of his father and confessed his sin to him and he forgave him. It was just the most perfect and beautiful reconciliation.
El meaning of the parable of the prodigal son at this point it refers to the fact that the father was already aware that his son had been treated by God. He took him to the desert, therefore he knew that his son had repented of his rebellion, therefore he received him.
His father's love and forgiveness received him as a son, not as a laborer. This means that when a sinner returns to God, the Lord places beautiful spiritual garments on him (Ephesians 4:22).
Symbols of the garments of the prodigal son
When the prodigal son repents and is forgiven by his father, he sends him to dress, put a ring on him and have a great celebration. These elements contain a symbol and meaning. let's read
The garments represent the new man. God gives us the mind of Christ. We are clothed with righteousness in the Blood of Christ. Thanks to his sacrifice on the cross God clothes in holiness and purity.
The ring
The ring that the father ordered to put on the prodigal son means it is a symbol of receiving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). It means that a repentant sinner receives from God the Spirit of him to be guided. Therefore, the ring means that this person belongs to God.
The sandals separate the repentant man from the dirt that can be found in the earth and allow him to walk. Sandals separate us from the mundane. Therefore, we can follow Christ. To follow that path, we must know it. For this reason we invite you to read the following link entitled John 14:6 I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
The calf
They represent the blessings we receive when we return to God's way.
Characters in the parable of the prodigal son
In this beautiful parable some characters participate that we want to introduce you and what each of them symbolizes:
The man
of the parable represents God, the Father of all men because He is the creator of humanity.
The oldest son
It represents the scribes and Pharisees. The experts of the scriptures who are hard-hearted, unmerciful, proud.
the youngest son
They symbolize publicans and sinners. All of us before we converted. Libertine people, who live in the world. impatient, as the inheritance requested. Lover of the delights of this world. Desiring to do evil.
El prodigal son meaning he is the one who is wasteful, wasteful of the goods of another. He who squanders hands full of what belongs to another.
Analysis of the parable of the prodigal son
As can be evidenced, the parable of the prodigal son and his teaching They show us that there are various interesting aspects from a Christian perspective. For example, first of all, it states that the consequences that arise from sin is not to criticize, but the consequences of negative actions that end badly.
On the other hand, when performing analysis of the parable of the prodigal son, we can realize that the interested behavior of the youngest son had a rational and not a sentimental transformation. He seeks a good for himself and not holiness itself. Hence, he provides an explanation for the father in which he asks to allow him to work as one of his workers. And so he finds in it unconditional forgiveness.
Now, realizing what is the message of the parable of the prodigal son we can say that the real conversion is the product of true repentance, since he observes in his father's actions a selfless and unconditional love. These are the true characteristics of a real conversion. And this happens when we turn to our beloved God and repent from the heart of the faults committed.
Now, the true central character of the parable embodies God the Father and mainly his nature of mercy.
From the beginning of history we are shown a precept, the father had two sons, and in turn, they symbolize the entire humanity. One of them represents the repentant who distance themselves from the character of the Father and the other the sinners who submit to it, but in the end, both are worthy of the father's legacy.
The father accepts and respects the decision that his son made of his free will, therefore, he shares his inheritance with him and lets him go. With this, our loving God shows us that he is not a dictator, nor does he impose his will. Furthermore, he teaches us the path that suits us.
In another apparition of the father the manifestation of his total mercy is reflected. Spotting his son as he returns, she runs out to find him, hugs him and kisses him before he says a word. He explains how God goes looking for the one or that person who returns him to the path. Even taking into account that there may be a background and the conversion is not completely complete, God awaits us. In this way, he accepts it without reproaching the previous indifference or lack of it.
On the other hand, when the father talks with his firstborn, it is evident a strong claim, but the father responds firmly and compassionately, because God does not allow any carelessness for those who follow him.
The eldest or firstborn son is the actor who has the least participation in the story. He personifies the children of God who consider themselves faithful and just, and also submit in everything to the will of our Father.
The true meaning of this protagonist is to discover how the believers of God the Father can also fall into errors, faults or sins. In this situation, jealousy is evident. These sentiments embody the Pharisees and scribes to whom Jesus rightly spoke.
By reproaching the parent for what the brother does, in comparison with what he has done for him, it is manifested that also in his faith he is subject to some particular interest. In other words, this teaching of the parable of the prodigal son served as an example for the scribes and Pharisees as well as for publicans and sinners. Truly many are the teachings that the Lord left us in the best parables of Jesus.
Validity of the parable of the prodigal son
Even today it can be said that it also serves as learning for faithful Christians and for the rest of the people.
In fact, it shows the scribes and Pharisees that they are weak in the face of temptation, since in the face of pride, which represents a great sin, it is easily lodged in them for preaching a faith. And in the same way, he states that the faith of Christianity does not consist in being a participant only in liturgies and rites, but also in professing compassion, mercy and of course not judging other people.
In relation to publicans and sinners, he teaches them the serious consequences of bad actions and sin, and from there, he invites them to convert. He shows them the true importance of repentance and mercy, as well as the unconditional love of our all-forgiving God.
For this reason, our Lord Jesus Christ narrated that the love of God was so great. Despite being sinners, He sent us His Only Son, to give His life for all of us. In this way we have the privilege of entering his Kingdom, enjoying eternal life and therefore freeing ourselves from perpetual damnation.
In the parable of the prodigal son, as has been said, it is about the love that a father has for a son, despite his wrong actions, he will always be there to comfort him and provide.
The parable of the prodigal son It is a story that we can find in the Gospel of Luke. The story narrates the experience of a son who distances himself from his father and, after wasting his fortune, returns asking for forgiveness and is happily accepted again by his father.
This parable can be seen in various ways. On the one hand, there are those people who see it as a strong warning to faithful believers who move away from their faith for one reason or another. In the end his only alternative would be to return to the right path. And on the other hand, there are the people who interpret it in a hopeless way.
On the other hand, it is also feasible to review that the representative figure of the father is not closed, nor detrimental, to his son's decision-making. Simply that it is he who makes the mistake and then returns to his side to ask for help.
It is important to understand that the error of the prodigal son is not to leave the parental home, but in any case, he wants to support himself by his own means. Once he squanders his first chances, deep, unbiased and objective reasoning should conclude that they are two different positions and not the opposite. This should lead us to think of two opposite roles, one of the good and the other of the bad.
God always used parables simply to teach us how significant and important the Word of God was. Through the parable of the prodigal son, the Lord teaches us his will.
God's mercy
In this sense, the Lord gives us a totally abundant life in him, but what do we do? We simply resist his unconditional love. Humanity conveniently prefers to live by its own rules. It is there that we behave like the younger son.
That is, when the son asked for his inheritance, since it was a way of expressing to the father that he did not care about his authority and much less respected him. Therefore, he would prefer him dead so that he could live life as he saw fit.
In life, the most important thing is definitely the plan that God has for us. However, we generally lead our lives on the path of self-interest and do not follow God. Just like when the youngest son was found in the middle of the pigs.
Other people behave like the eldest son, that is, we are faithful and devoted to our churches and of course to God. Still we make the mistake of judging people we consider low or bad. We can even close the doors of the churches to these people because we just don't want to associate with them.
We must recognize that many times our attitude towards the poor, the marginalized or sinners is contrary to the attitude that our beloved God teaches us. We can look at others and blame them for their past or mistakes. Unquestionably, the eldest son did this with his brother. Therefore, the Christian should always be happy, happy when a person, whoever they are and whatever past they have, returns to the feet of Jesus.
And now we will detail God's attitude toward the sinner. The Lord told this parable after telling the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. Of course, in each story Jesus implies that our beloved God is the one who searches our hearts. So when we get lost, it is God who looks for the way and does everything to find us. That is Christianity, when we look for Him, says Luke 15:10, "even the angels rejoice with great joy."
According to this story, the Lord tells us that there will always be a place, a space in the heart of God for all those who decide to return to Him. Therefore, the Lord forgives us all our sins. The human mind will never be able to understand the great and unconditional love of God for us.
Many have put this story more at the center of God's way of being. They have come to call it: the parable of the Merciful Father, it has even inspired many writers.
The Father's way of reacting to his youngest son gives us the strength to always turn to God in any circumstance of life, even if we have experienced unexpected situations. Our God will continually be waiting for us.
The Lord will be aware of our needs, he will extend his hand to help us. Likewise, this parable teaches us that the Lord rejoices when we return to his ways. This statement is based on the fact that the loving father makes a great event or party to rescue us from the death of the heart. As the parable says "This son of mine was dead and has come back to Life." (Luke 15:24)
There are many good people who have spent years attending churches, studying the gospel, but have not come to savor what their lives and commitment mean to God. They are generally expressing bitterness and reproach like the eldest son in those words: “for as many years as I have served you, without ever disobeying an order from you, you have never given me a kid to have a banquet with my friends; when that son of yours has come…” and again he replies with total affection and trust: “Son, you are always with me, and everything that is mine is yours.”
Consequently, I invite you to reflect and become aware of how good the Lord is, because if we do not do so, we will walk like the eldest son with regrets in our hearts and without rejoicing at the joy of others, without recognizing the miracles that happen to Around us.
And finally, the parable of the prodigal son or lost son is one of the most recognized stories of forgiveness and love. It is a story full of understanding, grace and mercy.
Story of the prodigal son for children
La prodigal son story for kids It is a biblical story that promotes a spiritual and family teaching. We parents can tell our younger children and talk about this story and find out what teaching of the prodigal son they have been able to learn.
We can count the story of the prodigal son in story or comic form. Here we propose a story model about the parable of the prodigal son.
tale of the prodigal son
Once upon a time there was a very rich father who had two sons whom he loved with all his heart. He gave them gifts, food, the best clothes. Despite his kindness and love, the youngest son wanted to leave his house. He wanted to be at parties, have girlfriends, dance and he was already tired of doing the duties that he had in his house.
He no longer wanted to obey his father. One fine day he decided to claim his inheritance. His father, who loved him so much, gave him all the money that belonged to him as an inheritance. And his youngest son left his house leaving his father sad.
The youngest son did what he liked, he went to a party, he ate, he drank, he just hung out with his friends doing their thing. Until one fine day he spent all his money. His friends have already abandoned him. To support himself he had to work alongside the pigs.
Heartbroken by what he had done, he realized that he had to return home. He preferred to be one more worker in the great land of his father, but he knew that they loved him there.
One fine day he came back. Seeing him, his father ran to hug him, kiss him. He forgave all his disobedience. He ordered them to bathe him and put the best clothes on them. His father was overjoyed at the return of the youngest son. However, his older brother was full of resentment because he did not understand how his father spoiled his brother despite his disobedience. The father made a great banquet in honor of his son and invited everyone to celebrate his return.
story comprehension
After reading to the children story of the prodigal son It is important to take some time with our children to discuss the teaching of this parable.
We can ask our children what they learned, what teachings he left them, including asking them to make a parable of the prodigal son summary.
Frequently asked
Who is the prodigal son?
Which is the prodigal son meaning?
prodigal son cartoon
Then we leave you a cartoon of the prodigal son for children:
It shows how God sees us regardless of whether we choose to reject him or return to him. It simply reveals how much love he has for us and how he wants those who have fallen away to return to him. Now, after narrating this beautiful story of God's love, we invite you to read the following article referring to Evangelical Holy Supper
On the other hand, we leave you the following prodigal son video for kids to listen with your children this beautiful story.