Astronomy and associated sciences, They have been fundamental pillars for different discoveries. One of the many has been able to accurately identify the shape of galaxies and, specifically, the Milky Way. Within its conformation, there is a particular area of high importance known as the Orion arm. But what exactly is this area?
Little by little the mysteries of the universe have been revealed, bringing with them more information for humanity. Although this structure is not relatively new, it has served to understand, with great specificity, the performance of a galaxy. In turn, it is the particular area where the Solar System makes life and, therefore, it is also where the Earth lies.
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The importance of the arm of Orion is a fact that must be known with great specificity
The study of the universe and all the mysteries related to it, little by little it has been collecting its fruits. With the passage of time, new revelations have been important to achieve greater intellectual development.
A clear example of this is the study of galaxies and their conformation in general. Specifically, the Milky Way, where the Solar System lives, is the main object of research as such.
Over time, the zones that make it up have been discovered, referred to as particular arms. One of the many is the popular arm of Orion, named that way due to its close proximity to the Orion constellation.
Its importance lies in the fact that it is exactly the site or location of the Solar System and, therefore, of planet Earth. Based on this, entering into clear details about its composition, movements, among others, will help reveal more about the space.
Until now, beyond housing the Solar System, it is also home to large space objects. The Orion Arm is home to the giant Orion Nebula, as well as other prominent celestial bodies.
Among many, there is the cluster of Cygnus X, Polaris and more. As if that were not enough, this area of the Milky Way continues to grow constantly, which is why it still hides more mysteries. There is no doubt that it is one of the most enriching locations that make up the galaxy where life lies.
The Milky Way and the Orion arm. How is the current situation of both?
The study of galaxies has confirmed that These have different shapes depending on their composition. In that sense, there are those that have a spiral conformation as is the case of the Milky Way.
In addition to this discovery, each part of the Milky Way or the spiral in function, is known as an arm. Therefore, the Milky Way and the Orion arm are part of the same system, one being part of the other.
Orion's arm is just one of the 9 arms that give the Milky Way its spiral shape. Each of these arms or spiral extensions have their own characteristics, names and encompassed objects.
Both the Milky Way and the Orion arm are two cosmic elements with a more than relevant importance for the universe. The Milky Way is responsible for housing the Solar System, while the Orion arm is the exact location of it.
Currently, There are various consensuses regarding the arm of Orion. Some scientists maintain that it is a dependency on one of the most important arms, the well-known arm of Perseus.
On the other hand, another part of the scientific community establishes that it is an arm with enough extension to be independent. The truth of the matter is that, for the Milky Way, it is one of the most important parts it has in its repertoire.
In fact, Previously it was thought to be a link to other areas of the universe. Consequently, it was referred to back then as the Orion Spur for that general purpose.
The Orion arm of the Milky Way and all that is known about it. What are all the details?
Previously, the theory was that the Earth was the center of the universe, being the Solar System, everything known. However, thanks to modern astronomy, it is known that there is an entire cosmos beyond understanding.
Based on these investigations, it was possible to identify the Orion arm of the Milky Way. Due to the constant visualizations of the galaxy, it was possible to verify all the parts that make them up.
Being a spiral galaxy, each of them represents a pillar or arm with the same shape. In total, 9 of them give life to the particular shape of the Milky Way and everything that its conformation represents.
Regarding the Orion arm of the Milky Way, it lies between the arm of Sagittarius and the arm of Perseus. Since its sighting, this area of the galaxy has been considered dependent on the Perseus arm. However, over time, it is also listed as an independent entity.
Even so, Orion's arm does not have the same wingspan as those previously named. Indeed, it is one of the smallest spiral arms, but relevant for being the exact location of the Solar System.
This is how the location of the Solar System is known
Through the use of the most sophisticated telescopes of all kinds, it has been possible to efficiently locate the location of the Solar System. In addition, using the method of interferometers, draw a wall or diagram of the Milky Way, it has been easier.
By virtue of this, an interstellar region in the Orion arm known as the Local Bubble has been identified. This dense formation of hydrogen and other materials has been the home of the Solar System. Currently, the Solar System has moved enough to be sighted at the inner edge of the Local Bubble.