Meaning of Mudras, how should it be performed? and more

El meaning of mudra, it is contained in the gestures that are made with the hands, each containing a certain meaning or connotation. The starting center that emits the information are the hands, the left being the representation of the Moon, while the right is the Sun, and their fingers are in charge of transmitting the message charged with energy.

Meaning of Mudras

Meaning of Mudras

The meaning of mudras, It is revealed as a form of energetic communication based on gestures made with the hands, where each one of them is becoming a meaning. These meanings are connected to energy sources destined to improve the quality of life of the body and spirit, therefore it is thus transformed into a technique used in disciplines such as yoga.

In this sense, a specific function for the hands is framed, acting as a kind of energy map of health and consciousness. Each part of the hand represents an area of ​​our body, as well as different behaviors and emotions.

With the use of these Mudras, the person can communicate effectively with their mind and body, just by stretching, bending or crossing their fingers, and incorporating the palms of their hands into the gestures. If you want you can also see the article sacral chakra

Through the meaning of Mudras, clear messages can be given to both the body and the mind, being taken as a system or technique of energetic communication. By making different gestures with the fingers, different combinations can be made that form mudras, just as it happens when letters are combined inside to form a word.

Meaning of Mudras

Scientific explanation

According to expert scientists, there is a meaning of Mudras at a scientific level that has to do with the fact that the human brain creates an awareness of the degree of sensitivity that each part of the body has, since within the parietal lobe it has a representation of it. The researchers named sensory Homunculus, to the areas of the body that have a greater sensitivity and a large area of ​​​​representation.

A representation of the human body known as motor Homunculus, It is located in the frontal lobe of the brain, also known by the name of fine motor. The image that is formed in the brain is that of a person with a disfigured and even grotesque appearance, since the size of his face and hands is disproportionate to the rest of his body.

The parts that have a greater sensory connection are represented with a larger size than those that have less sensory and/or motor connections with the brain. That is why when our fingers make contact, this is activating various areas in the brain, which in turn stimulate some sensory effects.

energetic meaning

As for the Mudra meaning, framed within the energetic aspect, we must start from the origin of the word, since it comes from an ancient Brahmanical language, whose meaning is "seal" or "seal ring".

The latter of the ring is in accordance with the representation of the circle that is formed by joining the fingers with the thumb, where only the tips have contact, a form that gives rise to many of the Mudras. The mudras have a spiritual and transcendental connotation, which has been learned and passed from generation to generation until today.

Through the realization of some Mudra, the concentration and channeling of energy in the body is facilitated. When a ring is formed with the fingers, it symbolizes the closing of a circuit through which a current of energy flows.

What is a Yoga mudra?

Yoga mudras, or what is the same, yoga for the hands, are gestures that are created using the hands, their purpose is to catch the flows of energy and guide them until they reach the brain.

This process is possible, thanks to the fact that they release the energy that is retained inside the body, making it pass through the nadis or energy channels, and also those found within the chakras, to restore the flow of energy throughout the body.

Each type of mudra exerts enough pressure to transfer the flow of energy, doing it with subtlety and without the need to exert much force. The technique of meditation, which is one of the bases of the discipline of Yoga, uses mudras, being used as alternative therapies or even for healing.

Healing Buddhist Mudras

Before using them, you must know very well the meaning of healing mudras, since each one is different as well as its effects. Learning to perform them perfectly can take some time, however, you can practice doing them by alternating it with other activities like listening to music or watching TV.

Meaning of Mudras

Despite this, the ideal recommendation is that it be in total calm and silence, so that moments of meditation are presented as a good opportunity. Something that could be even more effective is that when performing a mudras, the person visualizes some positive affirmation.

If what you are looking for is to have balanced health and well-being of the body and mind, three minutes of practice using some type of mudra will suffice, the selection of which will depend on the effects you want to obtain.

The hands have a large number of nerve endings, so by joining the fingers, a kind of energy circuit is created, which restores the element that was unbalanced by stimulating it. If you are interested in other similar topics, then see Baths with coarse salt

Relationship of the fingers and the 5 elements

To know more about the meaning of Mudras, you have to know about the relationship that exists between the fingers of the hands with the elements of nature, and how this also activates energy.. El thumb, is linked to the fire element, giving it functions associated with logic but, in turn, with the knowledge of divine wisdom.

It also has to do with people's willpower, and as for the organs of the human body, it is related to the lung. For its part, the tip finger, is linked to the air element, and among its functions is attributed the power of thought with mastery of the mind, the ability we have to create and think. With reference to the organs of the body, it is linked to the stomach.

Meaning of Mudras

El ring finger It is linked to the Earth element, offering the ability to control the person's health and vitality. As far as the organs of the body are concerned, it is associated with the liver.

El Middle finger, is related to the ether, a state associated with blood circulation and in reference to the organs, it is associated with the vesicle. The pinkie, is linked to the water element, having powers in terms of relationships and sexuality. It also manages the function of communication and with respect to the organs, it is linked to the heart.

types of mudras

The meaning of mudras is expressed through each of the types that exist, and although there are many, here are some:

Gian mudra or also known as "seal of knowledge". The realization of this mudras serves to minimize depression and tension, being one of the positions that offers spiritual peace and calm. It stimulates the air element, having an influence on the nervous system and increasing memory capacity, sharpens the brain and the level of concentration.

It can considerably improve problems such as anxiety, stress, depression and insomnia if you practice regularly. The way to do it is by touching the index finger with the thumb, while the other three fingers are kept straight.

vayu mudra, or also called air yoga mudra. He is linked to the health area, contributing to the reduction of ailments caused by diseases such as arthritis, knee and muscle pain, bulging stomach and gas, among others.

In the same way, it harmonizes the energies contained in a natural way in our body. The way to do it is by bending the index finger, pressing it with the thumb, while the rest of the other fingers should be kept straight.

prana mudra, is also called yoga mudras of life, since it represents the spirit of life, stimulated with a charge of positive energy. It is linked to health by providing defenses to the body in the prevention of diseases.

It reduces insomnia and tiredness, improves eyesight, and energizes the internal organs of the body. The way to do it is by touching the tip of the thumb with the ring finger and the little finger, while the other two fingers remain straight.

Shuya Mudra, also called Mudra of emptiness or sky, because it compresses the element of space within the body. By practicing it regularly, you can improve hearing and reduce ear pain. It can also strengthen bones and gums, and decrease throat problems. It is linked to the heart, so it can reduce the risk of heart disease.

To do this, it is recommended to sit comfortably, and then bend the middle finger, keeping it at the base of the thumb. Next, press down on the first phalangeal bone of your middle finger by applying pressure with the tip of your thumb, while keeping the other three fingers stretched and straight.

Apan Mudra, It is the one who offers relief to constipation and kidney problems, which is why it is also known as the Yoga mudra of Digestion. Similarly, it positively influences dental, stomach, heart and diabetes diseases.

It also helps detoxify the body by ridding it of harmful toxins. To do this Mudras, bend your middle fingers and touch the tip of your thumb, while keeping your other fingers straight. surya mudra, is known by the name of Yoga Mudra of the Sun. It encourages the increase of the fire element within the body, thereby helping to balance its temperature.

In health, it helps to cure digestive problems, contributes to the control of obesity and also loss of appetite, in addition to improving vision. Its shape is made by touching the base of the thumb with the tip of the ring finger and putting pressure on it, while the other fingers can remain relaxed or straight.

lingmudra, Even in winters, this Mudra accumulates a lot of heat in the body causing sweating, which is why it is also known by the name of Yoga mudra of heat. It serves to control phlegm, asthma, colds, among others. Join the fingers of both hands to be able to perform this mudras, and keep your right thumb erect, exerting a little pressure, while you are sitting.

chin mudras, or also called the yoga mudra of consciousness, It is done by joining the thumb with the index finger, extending the other fingers outwards. This mudras fulfills the function of reminding the participant that the intention of yoga is to unite the individual soul with the supreme soul.

The meaning of Mudras is seal, a gesture that is made with the hands but that has a spiritual and energetic charge, which also controls the flow of energy dispersed throughout the body. In this context, the fingers also have a meaning:

The Thumb is the Supreme Soul; the pointer is the individual soul; the middle finger is the ego; the ring represents the illusion; and the pinky is Karma. According to the position of the fingers, it reflects the actions to be carried out since the Ego, the illusion and the karma, are considered as great impurities of the body that with the practice of this mudras, it is intended to eliminate.

Only the Individual Soul and the Supreme Soul would remain, which seek to link in order to achieve a divine state of happiness, whose objective is to make the participant revitalize and refocus. Before exercising with this mudras, sit with your spine straight and your legs crossed; close your eyes and make the mudra form with both hands, bringing them to chin level.

Varun Mudra, also known by the name of water mudra, It contributes to considerably improve skin diseases, giving it shine and softness, while minimizing its dryness.

It balances the water element contained within the body, making communication flow better and mental clarity is obtained. The way to do it is when the little finger lightly touches the tip of the thumb, making a little pressure, while sitting cross-legged.

El Bear's Grip MudraIt is used for heart problems and improves concentration. It is done using the palm of the left hand, turning it away from the body, and then the palm of the right hand towards the body, with the fingers bent with the thumb above them.

Ravi mudra, serves to give more vitality and energy to the body and is done with the tip of the ring finger touching the tip of the thumb, while the rest of the fingers are left extended. It is done in both hands.

conch mudra, is so called because when making the shape, it looks like a conch shell. It can be complemented with the use of the om mantra. It is used for throat problems. The way to make your shape is by using the four fingers of the right hand to encircle the left thumb, while bringing the tip of the right thumb to the middle finger, while the rest of the fingers remain extended.

Shuni Mudra, is called the seal of patience or also the mudra of wisdom. It adopts this name since it allows to create the judgment of ideas and projects. It also contributes with patience. It is formed with the tips of the middle fingers and thumb together, while the rest of the fingers remain extended.

buddha mudra or seal of mental clarity. It helps to encourage creativity and fluidity of communication. Similarly, it stimulates physical development. The way to do it is when the thumb is touched by the tip of the little finger, leaving the rest of the fingers extended.

Prithivi Mudra, this mudras is also called earth gesture. It is one of the healing types that connects the energy of the earth acting within the body, activating its vital energy. The way to do it is by touching the tips of the ring and index fingers.

kapitthaka mudra, or also referred to as the blessing mudras. Among its effects is to increase the vibratory periodicity of those who are evolving within their spiritual path. The position of the fingers to make their form is that the little finger touches the thumb next to the ring finger, leaving the rest of the fingers extended.

Anjali Mudra or also called the mudras of the gesture of prayer, since it favors meditative states. Similarly, the meaning of mudras in this case neutralizes the negative and positive poles of the body and stimulates the pineal gland.

It is said that this mudras is one of the most popular, since its realization is accompanied by the word namaste. The way to do it is by joining both palms of the hands, like the thumbs, bringing them towards the middle of the sternum. If you liked our article, we invite you to review this on our blog zen touch

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