Do you know what Karma and Dharma are? Get to know them and learn their benefits

Buddhism rests on two foundations of great importance, these are known as the Karma y Dharma. Today a large number of people know some basic laws of karma without putting Buddhism into practice as a doctrine and leave dharma aside. So, in the following article you will be able to know the true meaning of each one and how significant they are.

Karma and Dharma

What is the Dharma?

This term refers to what should be done in a certain life. It is even said that the dharma can vary according to the social class, the type of family and the years of a person's life. When dharma is applied in life, it can be a soothing concept or an alarming concept. There are people who believe that following the traditions of their family and the environment they can achieve a good dharma, however, this is usually not entirely true.

For other people, the pursuit of dharma can be a source of stress if they feel that they are not doing it correctly. Therefore, it is important to note that dharma will determine the type of karma that a person's actions will attract. To have a healthier and purer soul, it is recommended to read the following article: Spiritual Response Therapy.

Example: a soldier who goes to war because he wants to defend his country, it is obvious that he will cause the death of other soldiers, with this action he can complete his dharma as an individual, but at the same time he can cause bad karma by meddling in that other person's life.

In general terms, dharma encompasses everything that cares for and preserves both individual and collective well-being. It has the ability to balance and eliminate karma that accumulates, which can affect the current life, as well as future ones.

Karma and Dharma

For further understanding, the dharma is based on the following 10 rules in order to cultivate it correctly: absolution, serenity, mastery of the body and mind, integrity, holiness, logic, mastery of the senses, sincerity, understanding and the absence of courage.

What is Karma?

It is defined as the cause of a particular destiny, it is the code of nature that guarantees that a person becomes what he thinks and what he does. Karma perfectly reflects the law of cause and effect, for every action in the present there will be a consequence in the future. Even such consequences can extend to the next lives.

Many people claim that the sorrows and pains that people suffer in their current life is because they are related to acts done incorrectly in their past life. So, as long as the lesson that is supposed to be learned is not learned, these sorrows and pains will continue to be relived body after body, until things are done well and that bad karma is erased.

On the other hand, one must not think that karma has only a pernicious side, that it exists only to punish actions committed in past lives. It also has a positive side that the vast majority of people always forget about. When a person feels and enjoys a graceful life, he is blessed for different reasons, this is because in past lives he managed to act correctly and in the new life that was given to him, he was awarded one or more gifts.

types of karma

Unlike dharma, karma is divided into several types, which will be explained below:

Karma and Dharma


It is a karma that applies only to a certain individual, for example: suffering from a disease. Although it should be mentioned that all the sorrow and pain that a person can suffer can be related to karma, they can also suffer from a moment of unconsciousness. The best example would be that of a person crossing a street and being run over for not paying attention.


This type of karma affects all members of the same family. One of the best examples is having a relative who is deep in drugs. This suffering will be suffered by all his loved ones.


This karma is suffered by a specific region. Example: when there are floods or any other climatic event that only occurs in a certain place.


It is definitely an increase in regional karma. The best examples are being experienced today, countries in combat, fascism, misery, among others.


This type of karma is suffered by everyone. It is when you are in the presence of world wars, natural disasters and, the most palpable example that is experienced today, the pandemic that the planet is suffering. This type of karma also includes the imminent approach of the planet Hercólubus, which will be the cause of earthquakes, cataclysms around the world. Experts claim that these events are happening gradually and are intensifying every day.


It is one of the most severe and inflexible, it is applied to teachers who, regardless of whether they are practically perfect beings, can also make mistakes and have to be punished.


This karma is suffered by people who have made unforgivable mistakes, as is the case with murderers, torturers and those who carry out ambushes. In Kamaduro karma no type of negotiation enters into action, it is applied until the most severe consequences are met.


This type of karma is suffered by people who commit adultery and, like kamaduro, it cannot be negotiated when applied. Now, according to the old and new testament all sins will be forgiven except those committed against the Holy Spirit and that sin is related to adultery.

What is the difference between Karma and Dharma?

Dharma is everything that is related to the duty that has to be fulfilled in a certain life. While karma is everything that comes as a result of the life a person has led. In other words, dharma is a state that has to be worked out in the current life and karma is the actions that affect future lives.

The Laws of Karma and Dharma

Every action, whether negative or positive, will have a consequence in the future. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that there is no action without a cause and no cause without action. So, in order to judge some actions, there is what many know as the Court of Divine Justice. It is made up of superior beings who have the function of reviewing the actions of people and determining if they are good or bad to apply a certain consequence.

The Court of Divine Justice

It is directed by Anubis and 42 judges, this court is guided by a Divine Law that poses equanimity and mercy as its main foundations. These are in charge of weighing all the acts of a person using a scale, if the side of the good acts is much more loaded, then the result is an accumulation of dharma, which translates into a great prize.

When the opposite occurs, that is, when the balance is tilted much more to the side of bad actions, then the result will be a karma, which will result in sorrows, pain, adversities, among others. To relieve some ailments it is recommended to read the article by name Quantum Healing.

Karma and Dharma

How to pay Karma?

Nowadays many people apply some techniques to carry out some rituals to pay off karma. Here are two of the most used:

Transfer of funds practice

Steps to follow to ask the Father to transfer the funds from the Dharma Bank to the Karma Bank:

  1. Stand with your feet together.
  2. Raise the arms horizontally and form a cross with the trunk, the palms of the hands should be facing up.
  3. Raise the right arm to about 45 degrees and in turn lower the left arm also to about 45 degrees. Then raise the left arm and lower the right to the same degree.
  4. While this process is being carried out, the lengthened mantra NI should be pronounced.
  5. At the end of the first mantra, the arms should be horizontal as at the beginning.
  6. Take a breath and continue mantralizing in an orderly manner (NE, NO, UN and NA), making the same movement of the arms.
  7. Repeat the process eight times.
  8. At the end, place the right arm over the left, place them on the chest and mantralize TORN, lengthening each letter.

Business practice with the law

  1. Lie down on the floor with your arms open in the shape of a cross.
  2. Join feet.
  3. Begin to ask the Father using the words that will be quoted verbatim below: “My Father, my Lord, my God. I beg you, if it is Your Will, to go to the Heart Temple of Divine Justice. Once there, he negotiates with Anúbis and his 42 Judges so that… ”After this, the business that you want to do must be considered.
  4. Raise only the trunk, remain seated with the feet together, the arms open in a cross and the prayer is repeated.
  5. This process must be done about 6 times to be complete.
  6. Thank the Father and ask him to make the result of the negotiation known soon.

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