Chakras of the Human Body and How to Open Them

It is important to provide protection and keep all Chakras balanced in the same way as people take care of the health of the body. However, there are still those who wonder what are the Chakras of the human body y how to open them? And in this article you can find the answers to these questions and much more.

Chakras of the human body how to open them

What are the Chakras of the human body?

The chakras are energy points that are located in the human body, these spread from the spine to the head. There are 7 basic chakras and each of them has a completely different color and symbol. Therefore, these 7 chakras have a different influence on each specific area of ​​the human body.

For each person to feel comfortable and at ease with the environment at all times, their chakras must be in total harmony and stability. Now, when people put into practice the activation of the chakras of the human body, they learn how to open them and they achieve it with total success, they obtain an absolute sensation of well-being.

What are they for?

These energy points, being open and alert, are able to put the person in contact with the universe and by achieving this wonderful state, these 7 chakras absorb all the positive energy that the universe delivers.

Chakra therapy is a therapeutic option and should not be considered as a first-line treatment to treat certain conditions. Now, if you want to know another medicinal method to also cure emotional, physical and/or spiritual ailments, we recommend reading the Quantum Healing.

The 7 vital energy centers of the Chakra system

These 7 major energy centers that are found in different parts of the human body are the following:

  1. Root Chakra – Muladhara
  2. Orange Chakra – Swadhistana
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura
  4. Crown Chakra – Anahata
  5. Throat chakra – Visuddha
  6. -Forehead Chakra – Ajna
  7. Crown Chakra – Sahasrara

How are each of the Chakras activated?

Next, each of the 7 Chakras will be presented and the technique that can be applied to activate them will be explained:

Root Chakra or MULADHARA

It is the first when you start counting from the bottom. The root chakra or MULADHARA is linked to the material. It is related to all those places that offer security to people, it is considered as the cable that connects to the ground. This chakra is quickly located in the coccyx or in the spine and is identified with the color Red.

It also has the ability to control various areas of the body, including: the lymphatic system, the prostate gland, the nose, the evacuation system, the bone system and also the lower extremities.

When the MULADHARA is blocked, it can give rise to certain feelings that are related to fear, detachment, guilt that prevent being able to solve or face the problems of daily life. On the other hand, it can also cause a person to not be able to concentrate and to be distracted at all times, so they cannot finish their work.

Activation of the Root Chakra or MULADHARA

To continue talking about the Chakras of the human body and how to open them, the activation or opening of this first point of energy can be achieved by performing different exercises, both physical and emotional.

Now if you wonder how to release the chakras of the human body, we can tell you that there are some physical exercises that can be done for this purpose, among which are: aerobics, dancing, jogging, walking barefoot. In relation to emotional exercises, those that manage to enhance self-confidence can be put into practice. Also in this last group you can include aromatherapy using the essential oil known as Patchouli to connect with the earth.

Chakras of the human body how to open them

By performing these activities you can activate and/or unblock this chakra to help combat fatigue and thus achieve more energy. What causes this chakra to work poorly is related to the presence of some feelings such as guilt, shyness, fear of facing some situations in life, distrust, distraction, attachment to material things, among others.

Closely related to the activities we have mentioned, another important element when talking about how to unblock the chakras of the human body is the mantra of the root chakra "LAM", which consists of invoking the following words quoted verbatim:

 "I am one with all that I am, I am sure that I am loved."

orange chakra or swadhisthana

The Orange Chakra or SWADHISTHANA is closely related to sexuality experienced with freedom, fullness and free from any type of guilt. This second chakra is located in the lower abdomen, that is, in the navel. It is said that he is blocked orange chakra or obstructed when the person begins to experience different feelings, such as: contempt for sex and the fear of enjoying it also appears.

There have also been cases of people who also begin to reject sex. As if that were not enough, when the SWADHISTHANA chakra is blocked, the free expression of the personality is limited.

Activation of the orange Chakra or SWADHISTHANA

This can also be activated by performing different types of activities that are related to physical and emotional exercises.

Among the physical exercises, the following can be mentioned: practicing merengue, salsa and/or belly dancing. It is also an excellent idea to enroll in swimming classes and perform all the exercises that are related to movements and rotation of the hips to help externalize the emotions.

In the case of emotional exercises, you just have to find a way for the body to reconnect with emotions, there is no need to repress any of them. All the energy that a person has inside must come out, if it does not happen, this situation can unbalance inner peace. So you have to find a way to bring out all the feelings.

Chakras of the human body how to open them

As an extra fact, it is important to highlight that the mantra for this chakra is "VAM" and to activate and/or unblock it, you can say the following words that will be quoted verbatim below:

 "I love myself, I honor myself today and all my life."

Solar Plexus Chakra or MANIPURA

This is the 3rd energy point of the chakras of the human body, it is located in the center of the body, right between the heart and the intestines. According to the legendary medicine of India, the MANIPURA chakra is in charge of the mental body.

Experts say that when this chakra is blocked, the person begins to suffer from disorders in the digestive system, such as ulcers, heartburn and stomach pain.

In addition to the disorders mentioned in the previous paragraph, the person will also begin to suffer from chronic fatigue, accumulation of fat in the abdomen, selfishness, feelings of guilt, feelings of inferiority, addiction to stimulants, to power, personal dissatisfaction and self-enclosure. itself, among others.

Activation of the Solar Plexus Chakra or MANIPURA

The way to unlock this vortex of energy that is found within the 7 chakras of the human body and that everyone wants to know how to open them, is through physical exercises. One of the best ways to achieve this is to go running for a long period of time. An activity that helps release tension also works perfectly.

Some people take a pillow or any object with their hands or feet and hit the bed with great force, in this way all the anger contained inside is expelled. Another way to activate this chakra is by practicing emotional exercises. A good recommendation would be to change habits and restore the daily routine.

It is important to highlight that the mantra of this chakra is "RAM" and the following words can be used to activate and/or unblock it:

 "I am a powerful creator in my reality and I am passionate about that."

Heart Chakra or ANAHATA

As for this Chakra, it is said that it is related to the heart and to all the feelings that are associated with all love towards others. The heart chakra or ANAHATA is located right in the center of the chest. People who have this energy point blocked begin to suffer from heart conditions.

Chakras of the human body how to open them

Experts say that this chakra is connected with the vast majority of feelings, it can be the cause of a person not being open to the world and not being able to relate to others. There are even situations of isolation, disconnection and selfishness.

Activation of the Heart Chakra or ANAHATA

To help unblock this chakra, it is very important to practice breathing exercises. For example: You can start with nasal breathing, passing through the abdomen, chest and collarbones, then all the air is released through the nose very slowly.

Another way to activate the heart chakra is to help another person for a while. Example: If there is a person who for some reason causes disgust, being kind can change the landscape, small actions can have a lot of strength.

The mantra of the heart chakra or ANAHATA is "IAM" and to activate and/or unblock it you can use the following words that will be pronounced verbatim below:

"I am unconditional love and acceptance."

Throat chakra or VISSUDHA

Within the chakras of the human body and those that people want to know how to open them, this is the 5th. It is located in the throat and according to the Visuddha, which means purification, it is related to the function that people have within society.

It is identified with the color blue and when it is blocked people begin to have problems with their throat and voice, it is even said that these problems can also be related to the thyroid.

Additionally, it tends to affect speaking with other people for fear of causing any inconvenience, which leads to serious communication problems.

Activation of the Throat Chakra or VISSUDHA

For the activation of the 5th chakra it is necessary to implement some physical exercises such as vocalization and singing. Many people practice going to a place that is far from the city, they are located on a hill or anywhere and scream with all their might until they feel that they have no more energy to release. During this exercise it is recommended to pronounce the mantra continuously and you can also turn your neck.

The mantra of this chakra is "JAM" and the words that must be repeated continuously are quoted verbatim below:

“I am the car of my life. The power of choice is mine."

Forehead Chakra or AJNA

As its name says, this chakra is located on the forehead and is identified with the color indigo. The AJNA chakra has the ability to connect with thoughts. All the energy that makes people understand things, the power to have ideas, be creative and have mental concepts can be concentrated in it.

Chakras of the human body how to open them

When this point of energy is blocked, then people begin to experience some mental confusion, they can even hallucinate at times. On the other hand, in the case of this sixth focus of energy that is found within the 7 Chakras of the human body and how people are interested in opening them, when it does not work well, headaches occur, people begin to suffer from sight, among other ailments.

Activation of the Forehead Chakra or AJNA

Good practice for activate the AJNA chakra is by massaging the eyes and eyebrows with the fingertips. Meditations can also be done with the help of a guide. Today many people imagine geometric figures to relax and open this chakra easily.

The mantra of the forehead chakra or AJNA is "OM" and while massaging the eyes and eyebrows is put into practice, the words that will be quoted below must be constantly repeated:

“It is safe for me to see the truth.”

Crown Chakra or SAHASRARA

The crown chakra or SAHASRARA, which is located in the seventh position is located at the crown. This chakra manages to connect people with the plane of knowledge and the spiritual. The representation of this point of energy is done through the color violet. To have a cleaner and healthier subconscious of the soul, it is recommended to read the article on the Spiritual Response Therapy.

When this chakra is blocked, people begin to suffer from self-centeredness, they have a great need to control everything, they manipulate, they want to always be right, they do not concentrate, they are arrogant, they suffer from narrow-mindedness and mental dispersion.

Activation of the Crown Chakra or SAHASRARA

There are many people who know what the chakras of the human body are, but do not know how to open them. So, it is appropriate to clarify that each of them can be stimulated through the yoga technique.

However, experts say that yoga is perfect only for the activation of this last chakra. This is because this practice through its movements connects with the body, breath and mind to facilitate the transcendence of the person. Also manage to open this Chakra can also put into practice the art of prayer and meditation.

It should be noted that to help unblock this chakra, the mantra “OM” should be used and the meditation done in silence, repeating the following words quoted verbatim:

"I am one with the present moment."

Stones for each Chakra

The purpose of each stone is to increase the energetic focus on which you are focusing. To choose one, you have to detail its attributes, the color, the quality of said energy and the personal resonance it has with it. Below is a list of the stones that are associated with each chakra:

  • Root Chakra: Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Tiger's Eye, Hematite, Fire Agate
  • Sacral chakra: carnelian, moonstone, citrine, coral.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Calcite, Citrine, Malachite, Topaz.
  • Heart Chakra: Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Jade.
  • Throat chakra: turquoise, aquamarine, lapis lazuli.
  • Third Eye Chakra: Purple Fluorite, Black Obsidian, Amethyst.
  • Crown chakra: clear quartz, amethyst, selenite, diamond.

Chakras of the human body how to open them

Exercise to activate and balance the 7 Chakras

If you want to connect with inner energy, the following exercise is perfect to achieve it:

  • Sit at a distance of one and a half meters from an empty wall and create a bubble.
  • Imagine that each place of the chakras is illuminated with a light.
  • All lights should be turned on from top to bottom and all rays should point inwards.
  • Imagine that the room is illuminated with a white, gold or silver light that fills the bubble.
  • You begin to feel the light, it must completely surround the body to enter the chakras.
  • Observe in which chakras the light enters easily and in which the process is difficult, the light should be directed towards those chakras with more intensity.
  • When everyone is filled with light, rest in that light for a few minutes and dissolve the bubble.

In this way, everything related to the chakras of the human body and how to open them has been successfully learned, so that in this way a full connection with needs and desires will be achieved.

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