Who is Obatalá and what does he do?

recoveredWho is Obatalá and what does he do?

Obatalá is a deity with a lot of influence in countries like Umbanda and within the Yoruba religion. We can also find her in Santeria as the patron saint of Barcelona, symbolizing the Virgin of Mercy. She is also known by the names of Oxalá or Ochalá and represents other spiritual traditions.

He is known as the father or mother of all the Orishas and of humanity, being the creator or sculptor of human bodies under the direction of Olodumare, the supreme divinity. To know him in more detail we will make a summary of his assignments and conduct.

Who is Obatalá?

It is a deity highly revered in various cultures. It is represented in white, given that it is the owner of everything white, including dreams, thoughts and everything positive. He is the son of Olofin and Oloddumare, being the creator of the earth and the creator of the human figure. When God came down to Earth he did so accompanied by his son Obatalá, to observe his creation. In this way his spirituality is considered representing the purest nature.

As we have reviewed, he is the central figure of the Yoruba religion and is revered as the “King of Purity”, “Lord of White Clothes” and “Lord of Visions”He is also known as “Orisa Nla” and “Obaba Orugbo”, symbolizing spiritual purity.

Obatalá is a Head Osha, that means that rules over all heads. He loves everything pure, clean and white, which is why he does not like witchcraft. However, he likes to stay in dark places. Even if his figure is placed in a lighted place in the house, he must be kept away from the light. cover with a cloth to keep it away from light.

When we want to look for Obatalá, we can look for him in nature, on top of the snowy mountains, on the summit or peakHe is represented as an old and wise man from the hills. He offers justice, a new beginning and renewal.

Who is Obatalá and what does he do?

In African culture he is considered the father of humanity and one of the seven main orishas of the Yoruba pantheon, one of the original religions of this country. It is the creator of the Earth, of human dreams, their intelligence and thoughts. He was created in this culture as the highest authority among its divinities, standing out as a great protector and spiritual guide. It intervenes in the fertility of women, to promote conception, and protects people with physical disabilities to safeguard them under its care.

The date of this orisha is September 24 (in the Catholic religion it is the Virgin of Mercy) being your number eight and its multiples. He is venerated with dances, with energetic movements and dances performed by young people, simulating battle and protection actions.

This god It has 24 paths or avatars and lives in a large castle with 16 windows, but through which neither the sun nor the air enters. He holds the highest authority in the orisha hierarchy, being compassionate and helping other orisha when there are difficulties.

What does Obatalá offer us?

In the creation of the world, Obatalá was a great predecessor, being responsible for shaping the Earth and to make the minds of human beings coordinate in wisdom. He is also considered a moulder and sculptor, given that he represented human bodies in clay before their creation.

Within its symbolism He is represented as wisdom, justice, purity, balance and patience. In his incarnation of creative energy he is considered both masculine and feminine, depending on the stories and avatars that are venerated.

He is able to know how to discern between good and evil, Hence he is sought out to be used as a guide, counselor and protector. The word justice is attributed to him, defending the unprotected, such as the disabled, and punishing those who do evil.

Purity is associated with Obatalá. The color white is associated with it because it represents purity, peace and spirituality. In addition, her clothing is white because of her connection with the divine. Devotees also dress in white in her honor.

Es considered an icon of wisdom. He is wise, able to discern between good and evil, and able to judge accurately. He always seeks the right path, the correct advice and the best guidance.

It is a great influence for the physically disabled and helplessHe is a peacemaker, promotes harmony, is a spiritual guide and intervenes in conflicts.

Who is Obatalá and what does he do?

Image from Wikipedia

Prayer to Obatala

"Greetings to Obatalá

Obatala, Obataisa, Obatayanu

Jekua ashó Baba buké buké obirinigua

"Lanu Ayáguna eleyigbó jekua Baba."

This is the prayer that is said to Obatalá. Protection, peace, mental clarity, strength, and the solution of complex problems are requested. Those who pray it seek consolation and sufficient strength to face challenges.

His figurea is represented with a crown or a sun. It lends itself as a connection with the light and with that reflection of authority. You can leave offerings, almost all of them related to pure white, such as rice, bananas, coconut, cocoa butter, soursop or milk. None of these offerings should contain salt as a seasoning. Other elements include fresh water, coconut water, candles and white flowers.

El Obatala necklace It is formed with white beads with crystal details, always with a number related to 8 or its multiples. Other colors are also added that are related to its paths, such as red bands or purple and green tones, although its main color is always pure white. 

Myths related to Obatalá

One of the most famous myths tells that Obatalá was commissioned by Olodurmare. His mission was to create the Earth, throwing a handful of sand and placing a chicken on the water. In this way the world and its philosophy of life are created. It must be remembered that Obatalá is a transcendental orisha, the creator of the Earth and the human being, peacemaker, seeker of balance and peace.

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